The School of Exocultural Studies features
clothing, technology and artifacts from various Alpha, Beta and Delta quadrant cultures.

The School of Exocultural Studies
(Click on thumbnails to enlarge and view in gallery mode)


Tholos was a member of the Andorian Imperial Guard serving under Commander Shran. 2151 CE

Standard Andorian uniform worn by officers. 22nd century CE

Worn by a Tellarite ambassador who travelled to Babel aboard the Enterprise. 2154 CE

Worn by one of the Nausicaans who had an altercation with Picard at the Bonestell Recreation Facility on Starbase Earhart. 2327

Worn by court attendees during Kirk and McCoy's trial on Kronos. 2293 CE

Worn by court attendees during Kirk and McCoy's trial on Kronos. 2293 CE

Degra was a prominent Xindi-Primate scientist who represented his people on the Xindi Council. 2154 CE

Commander Dolim was a Xindi-Reptilian military officer, and a high-ranking member of the Xindi Council. 2154 CE

Jannar was an Arboreal scientist and one of his species' representatives on the Xindi Council. 2154 CE

Gralik Durr was a Xindi-Arboreal who lived on an Arboreal colony. 2153 CE

The Kazon-Pommar are one of the eighteen Kazon sects, led by First Maje Jal Minnis in the Delta Quadrant. 2372 CE

The natives of the planet Hanon IV were a proto-humanoid species, on the verge of civilization. 2372 CE

Raakin was one of the nineteen Human Augments raised by Arik Soong, killed by his brother Malik. 2154 CE

Udar (also derisively know as Smike) was one of the nineteen Human Augments raised by Arik Soong, also killed by Malik. 2154 CE

Lokesh was one of the nineteen Human Augments raised by Arik Soong. Lokesh and the other Augments perished when their ship was destroyed by the Enterprise. 2154 CE

The Nakan are a sentient species who colonized Tarakis in the Delta Quadrant. 2376 CE


Used during the movie era. 23rd century CE

Used during the movie era. 23rd century CE

Used during the movie era. 23rd century CE

Used during the movie era. 23rd century CE

Used during the movie era. 23rd century CE

The Kazon-Pommar are one of the eighteen Kazon sects, led by First Maje Jal Minnis in the Delta Quadrant. 2372 CE

Sign used in the floating bazaar on the Xanthan homeworld. 2153 CE

Technology used on Klingon ships. 22nd century CE


Used by Tkon guardian Portal 63 on a planet in the Delphi Ardu system. 2364 CE

Traditional Klingon bladed weapon. 2369 CE

Heavy hand weapons used in the Klingon Empire. 23rd century CE

The glavin is used for ritual hand-to-hand combat on Ligon II. It is a large glove with a curved claw at the end, and covered with dozens of spines tipped with poison. 2364 CE

An Andorian ice miner's tool that was also used as a weapon in Ushaan duels. 2154 CE

Used in combat against a Jem'Hadar youth. 2371 CE

Used in combat against a Jem'Hadar youth. 2371 CE

This set of armor from an unknown species that had been eradicated from history, hung in Annorax's Temporal Weapon Ship. 2170's CE

Used by the Andorian military. 2151 CE