The Valdore Gallery showcases clothing and artifacts from the Romulan Star Empire.

The Valdore Gallery
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Senator Pardek was a member of the Romulan Senate with a lengthy career in Romulan politics. 2368 CE

Senator Pardek wore these robes during his negotiations with Ambassador Spock on Romulus. 2368 CE

Worn by Romulan Senators assassinated using thalaran radiation. 2379 CE

The whole Senate was assassinated by Tal'aura using thalaran radiation, wiping out in an instant the brightest political minds on Romulus. 2379 CE

Neral was a Proconsul and eventually Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire in the mid 24th century. He was succeeded by Hiren. 2375 CE

Admiral Valdore was a high-ranking official in the Romulan military. 2154 CE

Used in the Romulan Senate chambers. 2379 CE

Romulan symbol used on both military and governmental uniforms. 24th century CE

Worn by Praetor Neral. 2375 CE


Attire typical of the 24th century. 2368 CE

Worn during a medical conference on Romulus. 2375 CE

Typical hairstyle worn by Romulans in the 24th century CE