The Kolinahr Collection
The core of the Museum, The Kolinahr Collection features
Vulcan clothing, technology and artifacts representative of Vulcan culture from antiquity through to the 24th Century.

(Click on thumbnails to enlarge and view in gallery mode)

Vulcan is located in a relatively quiet corner of the Beta Quadrant, allowing it to evolve mostly unfettered by outside influences. Vulcans were once an extremely violent and emotional people who waged almost constant warfare, until Surak's philosophy of logic and emotional control saved the race from destruction. Despite this life of control and order, modern Vulcans maintain a strong appreciation for beauty and craft, even in their everyday clothing.

Worn by young Tuvok. Early 2270's CE

Worn by teenaged Tuvok under the tutelage of a Vulcan Master. 2280 CE

A Vulcan operative assassinated by T'Pol. 2140's CE

Typical clothing worn in the Forge. 2154 CE

Worn by one of Syrran's followers in the Forge. 2154 CE

Worn by Syrran when he discovered Surak's Katric Ark. 22nd century CE

Worn by technicians at the Interspecies Medical Exchange conference on Dekendi III. 2152 CE

Strom was a Vulcan doctor who attended the Interspecies Medical Exchange conference on Dekendi III. 2152 CE

Koss was a prominent architect on Vulcan from a very influential family. 2154 CE

Typical suit of the period, worn by Koss, T'Pol's mate. 2154 CE

Typical robe worn by both males and females. 22nd century CE

After the Time of Awakening, Vulcan still retained elements of its martial past. The Vulcans became an interstellar civilization by 9th century BCE and discovered warp technology in the 20th century. These Vulcan uniforms reflect the complexity of Vulcan style & symbolism and the dichotomy between form & function.

Actual first contact between Vulcans and Humans occurred when a Vulcan survey ship crash landed on Earth in the mid 20th century. This uniform was worn by one of the officers on that mission. 1957 CE

The captain of the survey ship perished when their ship crash landed on Earth. Though Mestral decided to stay behind to study an emerging species, two survivors, including T'Pol's grandmother T'Mir, were finally rescued. 1957 CE

Worn by soldiers involved in the Kir'Shara incident. 2154 CE

A crew member of the Seleya driven insane by neurotoxic effects of trellium-D. 2153 CE

Uniform typically worn by officers in Vulcan's space fleet. Late 22nd century CE

Uniform typically worn by Captains in Vulcan's space fleet. Late 22nd century CE

Vulcans follow a long tradition of scientific study and technological advancement. They had developed space travel, psionic devices and nuclear weapons millennia before their neighbors. Vulcans continue to
be technological innovators going into the
24th century and beyond.

Hand held particle weapon used by Vulcan defense forces. 22nd century CE

Large particle weapon used by Vulcan defense forces. 22nd century CE

Monitor found in the wreckage of the Seleya. 2153 CE

Monitor found in the wreckage of the Seleya. 2153 CE

This low table with a control panel was used in the headquarters of the High Command. 2154 CE

Typical period domestic technology, this specimen was used in T'Les's home. 2154 CE

Technology used aboard the Jellyfish. Alternate Timeline, 2387 CE

Technology used aboard the Jellyfish. Alternate Timeline, 2387 CE

Graphic used aboard the Jellyfish. Alternate Timeline, 2387 CE

Throughout their history,
Vulcans have always held an
appreciation for beauty in all things,
from temple architecture to the littlest details,
including their wardrobe accessories.

Hat worn by T'Lar's attendants. 2285 CE

Worn by a representative at the Khitomer Conference. 2293 CE

A hat typical of styles worn by civilians. 23rd century CE

A hat typical of styles worn by civilians. 23rd century CE

A hat typical of styles worn by priestesses. 23rd century CE

Typical footwear worn by both males and females. 23rd century CE

Gloves worn by Ceremonial Guards at Spock's Fal Tor Pan Ritual. 2285 CE

These ears show the variance in both size and shape of Vulcans' most noticeable appendage.

Vulcan's long spacefaring history
has afforded them the opportunity to
make first contact with many races in
the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
Vulcans therefore have had millennia
to hone the craft of diplomacy.
Sarek of Vulcan is still considered
one of the Federation's
greatest ambassadors.

Worn by Kuvak in the High Command headquarters. 2154 CE

Tos was a Vulcan diplomat serving on Earth, alongside Ambassador Soval. 2151 CE

Worn by a delegate attending the Khitomer Conference. 2293 CE

Mendrossen served as Ambassador Sarek's chief of staff when the ambassador visited the USS Enterprise-D. 2366 CE

Sakkath was a diplomat who accompanied Ambassador Sarek aboard the USS Enterprise-D during the Legaran Conference. 2366 CE

Vulcan's ancient culture has a rich tradition in all the arts.
From ancient weaponry to metal smithing to music,
Vulcans have always infused their work with
symbolism and ornamentation.

Traditional weapon consisting of a metal staff with a fan-shaped blade on one end and a club on the other. 2154 CE

Used by ceremonial guards during Spock's Fal Tor Pan ceremony. 2285 CE

Worn by T'Sai, Kolinahr Master who presided over Spock's Kolinahr ritual c. 2273 CE

Worn by T'Sai, Kolinahr Master who presided over Spock's Kolinahr ritual c. 2273 CE

Typical of Vulcan jewelry, this necklace features red glass that naturally forms on Vulcan's volcanically active surface. Ancient calligraphic symbols are etched on the surface using an ancient technique. 23rd century CE

A traditional instrument renowned throughout the galaxy for its range and unusual harmonics.

A simple, rustic bell used to signal prayer. 22nd century CE

A set of stones carved with ancient Vulcan calligraphic symbols, used at the P'Jem Monastery. c. 2150 CE

Small vessel carved with ancient Vulcan calligraphy. Used to hold a set of carved stones at the P'Jem Monastery. c. 2150 CE

A trio of urns used on Vulcan for ritualistic purposes. c. 22nd century CE

Mummified bones of ancient Masters, found in the catacombs of the Takarath Sanctuary. c. 4th century CE

This large censer was featured in the High Council chambers. Alternate Timeline, 23rd centure CE

The stone represents a life of order and control through logic. Honored guests are traditionally invited to touch the stone as a sign of respect. This stone was used at the P'Jem Monastery. c. 2150 CE

The Kir'Shara is an ancient artifact that contains the teachings of the great Vulcan philosopher Surak. Thought to be lost for millenia, it was finally rediscovered in a chamber beneath the Takarath Sanctuary, heralding a new era of enlightenment for Vulcan. c. 4th century CE

For an intensely logical race, the Vulcans
did have spiritual beliefs. Prior to the Time of Awakening, Vulcans worshiped a pantheon of gods. Surak's teachings eventually became
the primary focus of Vulcan spirituality and mysticism. Traditional attire ranges from humble robes to elaborately handcrafted ensembles, demonstrating the Vulcan appreciation for art, ornamentation & craft.

Worn by acolyte priests at the P'Jem Monastery. 2151 CE

This priest presided over T'Pol and Koss's wedding. 2154 CE

Syrran founded a small group called the Syrrannites, dedicated to returning the Vulcan people to the true teachings of Surak. Syrran found Surak's Katric Ark and held his katra until his death. 2154 CE

Syrran died from an electrical discharge from a sand fire storm in the Forge. Before passing, he was able to transfer Surak's Katra to Jonathan Archer. 2154 CE

Basic robes like these were worn by the priests of Mt. Seleya. Worn alone or with elaborately designed tabards. 23rd century CE

Robes like these were worn by the priestesses of Mt. Seleya. 23rd century CE

T'Lar's attendants wore robes of this style at Spocks Fal Tor Pan ritual. 2285 CE

This elaborately constructed set of robes was worn by monks at Mt. Seleya. 2285 CE

Surak was a legendary Vulcan philosopher, scientist, and logician, considered to be the father of modern Vulcan civilization. 4th century CE

These elaborately decorated robes were worn by one of the noted Kolinahr Masters of Gol. The namesake of the Museum, these robes are an important example of Vulcan craftmanship and style. This Master presided over Spock's Kolinahr Ritual. 2273 CE

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Movie & TV Images: © CBS / Paramount Pictures.